Saturday, March 31, 2012

Faking Spring Break

I am, sadly, an adult, who does not get spring break.  I don�t even have any kids to give me an excuse to take the week off.  So, I had to work all week.  About which, I was NOT happy. 

However, the folks at Hush Puppies sent me something that allowed me to fake Spring Break; these comfy, cozy slippers from their Spring Break Collection*:

When I first saw these slippers, they reminded me of spa slippers.  And of the slippers from the four star hotel we stayed at in Hawaii a few years back.  Well, they remind me of spa slippers with a more durable sole, cushier insole and the added sass of some plaid.  Added sass is sort of my thing, so I appreciated that touch immensely.  

Also reminiscent of both spas, and Hawaii, is how relaxing these slippers are.  Therefore, every night after work this week, I�ve been going home, taking off my heels, putting on these slippers and faking Spring Break.  I watched a little Hawaii Five-O, got caught up on Cougar Town, started watching Bent.  Basically, I watched anything filmed in a sunny, gorgeous, Spring Break-like destination, while wearing my slippers.  Et voila, fake Spring Break at it's finest.

Want to fake a vacation of your own?  You can get your own Hush Puppies �Ginger Clog� slippers, or any other slippers at the Hush Puppies store hereAnd you can get 15% off through May 31st by using this promo code: 15HUSH.

If you had a real Spring Break, I hope you enjoyed it, you lucky ducks.  And, if you were like me and didn�t, I hope you were able to fit a little relaxation in.


*Disclosure: Although Hush Puppies did provide these slippers to me free of charge, that did not influence my review.  If they were less than great, you can bet your sweet bippies, I�d tell you guys.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

FBFF for March 30th: One Time and One Time Only

Today�s FBFF questions deal with the �the one-time use phenomenon.�  Apparently, there have been quite a few posts around the blogosphere lately about only wearing something once and how a lot of bloggers are accused of this.  I had no idea this was even a thing, but do find both the phenomenon and the accusations interesting, so I�m pretty excited Katy Rose chose this as our top of discussion this week.  As always, my answers to the questions are below.

Are you a one-time wearer?

The short answer to this question is, sometimes, but never on purpose. 

The long answer is that because I thrift a lot of my clothes, I have a tendency to take chances with items of clothing that I wouldn�t buy if they were more than $5.00.  I try to wear everything I thrift at least once, but there are items I just can�t quite get to work for me that, after wearing once, get recycled to the thrift store or to friends.

Non-thrifted items are expected to work a lot harder in my closet given the fact that I (generally) spend more on them than thrifted items.  That�s not to say that I don�t have some pieces that work more than others.  For example, I wear my riding boots with greater regularity than my animal print wedge booties, but I�ve still worn the booties more than once.

Born Crown "Sosie" Boots

80%20 Animal Print Wedge Booties

Do you feel the need to purchase something new for an evening out or a special event?

Not to sound like a broken record, but the short answer to this question is also sometimes.

I have quite a few party dresses, many of them vintage, but I don�t always feel they�re right for an occasion.  I�d rather not buy something new for special events because those items often end up being ones that are only worn once, but, I like to be comfortable in what I�m wearing.  If I don�t feel like my outfit fits the occasion and the way I want to look that day, then I will look for something new.  I�m usually able to work with what I have though.

Re-mixing is something a lot of bloggers are proud of being able to accomplish - are you a re-mixing pro or do you shy away from posting items frequently? Why?

I�d say I�m semi-pro in terms of remixing.  I�m in the farm leagues, just waiting for the Yankees to take notice of my mad skills.  Really though, I do remix a lot of my clothes but don�t consider myself a pro because all of the outfits I create with an item often have a similar feel.  They�re different outfits, but they are often the same style; which I just realized isn�t necessarily bad because they�re all my style.

I, however, do shy away from wearing, and posting, items re-mixed too close together.  I usually try not to wear the same skirt, or blazer, or blouse in back-to-back weeks, but that doesn't always work out.  For example, I wore this mauve skirt last Wednesday and this Wednesday:

Last Wednesday with butterscotch

This Wednesday with more mauve

Shoes I couldn�t care less about; I�ll wear the same pair of shoes three times a week without any qualms (see Born Crown riding boots above). 

I also try not to wear the exact same outfit as I�ve worn before; I mean with every piece exactly the same.  At least that was true for my first year of blogging.  This year I think I might re-wear some of my favorite outfits, especially those from last year, because I hate to deprive myself of being happy and comfortable in my clothes just because I�ve already worn something once.  Also, sometimes I wake up late and it�d just be easier to recycle an outfit instead of racking my poor, tired brain to come up with something new.

Do you have a clothing budget or are you an impulse buyer?

A little of both.  I don�t have a clothing budget, per se, but I do plan what I�d like to buy for a season.  For every spring/summer and fall/winter, I write a list of what I perceive as holes in my closet.  The list contains anything from trends I�d like to try, like color-blocked pumps, to classics that I just don�t have, like a white dress.  These are items that I surf the web for periodically and specifically look for in brick-and-mortar stores.

That being said, I am also an impulse shopper, especially at thrift stores.  Most of the items that I thrift are not on my lists, but are just items that I think I might be able to do something with.  Or that it might be fun to try doing something with. 

Do you find yourself bored when reading a blog in which clothing items are often remixed and appear frequently?

No, not at all.  But, then again, I�m not sure I�d notice.  I don�t track what anyone else wears that closely.  If I do notice, it�s probably because it�s a piece I love on them and I�m happy to see it again.  At the very least, it�s probably a piece they love on themselves and who wouldn�t be happy to see someone wear what they love?

Want to read more on this topic?  Visit Katy Rose at Modly Chic for links to all the participants.

And have a wonderful weekend!


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The Kindness of Strangers

It�s raining today in Oregon.  Because that�s what it does here.  And I support Oregon rain, but it can make it a little hard to take pictures.  Especially because I try to protect my photographer and camera as much as I can, while still taking outdoor pictures.  Today those efforts resulted in these pictures:

And then, an older gentleman coming into the building stopped to watch the proceedings and decided that my hair was being lost in my black umbrella and lent me his umbrella.  And thenhe helped position the umbrella so that the white was behind my head.  This picture is the result of the kindness of that stranger:

I personally found the whole thing hilarious, but a little surreal.  Which is not to say he�s wrong; you really can�t see me under my umbrella.  I guess maybe I should invest in a white polka dot umbrella for these gloomy days.

At this point I�m looking for anything to help cut through the gloom, like bright-ass shirts.  Which is why, on my last trip to Old Navy, I invested in more than one piece in this color.  Today I layered a citron tank (Old Navy) over a white tank (Target) and under a charcoal-striped cardigan (Old Navy).  In spite of my bright tank, it does still feel like winter here in Oregon, so I added black skinnies (Gap), black boots (Vince Camuto �Fantastic� via Nordstrom) and an infinity scarf (Steven Madden via Macys).

And with that, I want to wish you all a Happy Friday!  And have a wonderful weekend!


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Thursday, March 29, 2012


Today I am wearing snake and what are quite possibly my thighs� all time favorite jeans:

Seriously, my thighs love these jeans so much they are considering giving them an honorary doctorate in Humanities from the University of Thighastan; or, at the very least, throwing them a parade on Sunday.

Even my booty loves them:

This is especially nice because, frankly, it�s rare when my thighs and my booty agree on anything.  I won�t go so far as to say it�s the beginning of a political thaw between The People�s Republic of Thighastan and The Commonwealth of Bootyland, but maybe�

Enough politics though, let�s talk clothes.  The jeans are the Dark Wash Welt Pocket Flare Jeans  from Banana Republic, where they are currently on sale here.  Even on sale, they are still not inexpensive, but you can get an additional 20% off through the 1st, if you�re interested.  I paired these glasnost-inspiring jeans with a snake-print silk blouse (New York Design Company, thrifted), a black belt (Nine West) and black wedge booties (Nine West �Peekaboo� via Piperlime).  And I even added some accessories, such as a brass-and-crystal pendant (Special Portland), earrings (Nikki Jacoby Jewelry via Crafty Wonderland) and bangles (Nordstrom).

Happy Thursday, Everyone!


P.S. If you�re wondering about length, BR says these have a 37� inseam, but I�m wearing 3 �� wedges and these still almost touch the floor.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ladies Who Lunch, and Mix Patterns, in Funky Town

This outfit felt a little �ladies who lunch� to me.  Well, a little �ladies who lunch and mix patterns�:

Which I�m pretty sure isn�t a thing but maybe should be because it�s kind of an amusing concept.  I like the idea of taking a rather serious piece, such as this silk-lined checkered jacket (vintage, thrifted with Kelsey) and pairing it with a semi-serious piece such as this polka dot bow blouse (Old Navy) because together, they�re a little less serious, a little more funky. 

I also wore my mauve skirt (vintage, thrifted), black tights (Spanx) and black wedge booties (Nine West �Peekaboo� via Piperlime).  Again, the skirt could be a little staid, but the tights and booties help steer the outfit towards Funky Town.  Even if it just stops for a fill up and some beef jerky at the Funky Town Gas n� Save.

What about you, Dear Readers?  Do you like to lunch in Funky Town or do you live there year round?

Happy Wednesday, All!


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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chickens and Stripes

I am, apparently, on a pattern-mixing kick this week.  Yesterday was animal and floral.  Today is chickens and stripes:

And tights.  Because, in spite of yesterday�s mild weather, it�s both cold and rainy here today and I am, once again, forced to wear tights.  Thanks, Oregon Weather.

I wore the tights (Target) under my red chicken dress (c/o eShakti) which I layered over a blue and white striped button-down (Foxcroft, thrifted).  I added a thin brown belt (Gap) to try to rein in all the fabric around my middle and riding boots (Born Crown �Sosie� via Nordstrom) because I haven�t worn them yet this week.  I also added a watch and a couple of pieces of jewelry because sometimes I doremember to accessorize.  Sometimes.

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!


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Monday, March 26, 2012

Animal and Floral

After a long weekend spent thrifting (of course), sleeping (my favorite) and watching movies (Never Let Me Go (depressing, just like the book) and Hunger Games (more below)), I had to come back to work today.  I wore these clothes:

I don�t know why, but in my mind there are few things that go better together than animal print and floral.  Maybe because the combination is a bit jungle-y and jungle-y is totally a thing?  I don�t know, but I do love to pair the two.  Today�s pairing is a floral silk blouse (vintage, thrifted) layered under an animal print cardigan (Target).  I belted it with my owl belt (Ross) and added a black skirt (Calvin Klein via Ideeli), patterned tights (Assets via Target) and black booties (BC Footwear �Swear�).

Happily, I think I may be able to go without tights fairly soon.  Friday and Saturday were both gorgeous, yesterday was a bit chilly and rainy, but today isn�t too bad.  It�s not that I don�t love tights; I do, that�s why I have so many pairs.  But, I�m definitely ready to be done with them.

Now, back to The Hunger Games; I thought it was great, not because it followed the book exceptionally closely, but because the filmmakers were so smart in the imagery they used, especially when showing the outlying districts.  District 12 was practically Depression-era America, right down to the clothes.  And I found the Reaping registration to be evocative of the registration of several groups from Communist China to Nazi Germany to WWII-era America.  I felt that these images, along with the colorless clothes of the outlying districts compared to the colorful and over-the-top outfits of the Capitol served the filmmakers very well in making their point.

Did anyone else watch the movie this weekend?  If so, what did you think?

Happy Monday, All!


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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Captain Casual

Today is my Friday so I�m in total Captain Casual mode today:

In lieu of a cape, I�m wearing this blazer.  What�s that?  You don�t think a blazer is casual?  Well, this one is; it�s made of sweatshirt material.  How�s that for a disguise?  Nice, right? 

I paired the blazer (J. Crew Outlet) with a cream and gold striped tunic (Banana Republic) and skinny jeans (Macys), which I tucked into riding boots (Born Crown �Sosie� via Nordstrom).  I added a scarf (Target), forgot earrings and there you have it, Captain Casual.

Happy Thursday, All!  Have a wonderful weekend!!


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Butterscotch and Mauve: Take Two

Last time I wore this outfit, the proportions were off:

At the time, I blamed it on the boots, but it wasn�t entirely their fault.  It was the combination of the boots and the skirt.

Now, I�m the first to admit that I don�t always pay attention to proportion.  Looking at my pictures, I think I sometimes treat this is a personal smile blog instead of a personal style blog.  Which is fine, I like to smile (obviously, I guess), but I do also like style.  So, this time around, I shortened the skirt and remixed the outfit with different shoes:

A close up of the tights

And, I think it worked.  It�s still a color combination I love; it�s just also now an outfit that I love.  I kept the same butterscotch sweater (thrifted) and paired it with the same mauve skirt (thrifted and now hemmed).  I added the same gray Swiss dot tights (Hue via Macys) and the same silk bow tie (thrifted).  But, this time I wore burgundy pumps (Naya �Jada� via Nordstrom) instead of boots; which, along with the shortened skirt, made all the difference.

Also, it snowed today in Oregon.  A lot.  My friend Kathy said it was a sign of the impending apocalypse.  I heard �zombie apocalypse� and made this face:

And with that, I wish you all a Happy Wednesday!


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Boots and Belts, Stripes and Giraffes

I like this sleeveless wool dress, but I never wear it because I�m not exactly sure how to.  Luckily for me, Lindsey over at Thrift and Shout did an entire post on how to wear sleeveless items like this dress.  That post helped inspire this outfit:

In addition to the sleeveless dress, this outfit contains quite a few of my favorite things; such as boots and belts, stripes and giraffes.  I layered the dress (vintage, thrifted) over a striped, long-sleeve tee (Gap) and leggings (Ross).  I added a studded belt (Michael Michael Kors via Nordstrom), riding boots (Born Crown �Sosie� via Nordstrom) and a hot pink giraffe scarf (Target).

And I do like this outfit.  I think I generally tend towards more classic pieces because they are easier to style than pieces like this.  I am, however, drawn to pieces like this, and animal print booties and fur vests, I just need to get more comfortable in styling them.

How about you, Dear Reader Friends?  Do you venture outside of your comfort zone when buying items, or do you stick with what you know you can style comfortably?

Happy Tuesday, All!


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Monday, March 19, 2012

Pattern and Texture

This is an outfit that I wish had photographed a little bit better because it gets its interest not from color, but from pattern and texture:

Really, the only color I�m wearing is the rose-colored skirt (thrifted and taken up).  Otherwise, the outfit is just shades of black, gray and cream.  But, there are stripes on the sweater-blazer (Halogen via Nordstrom) and polka dots on the tights (Target).  And there are different textures with the skirt, the blazer, the lace top (Limited) and the leather boots (Gap).  I think all of the different textures, along with the mix of patterns, make the outfit deceptively complex.  At the same time though, it�s a pretty easy outfit, which is nice for a Monday.

Again, it�s one that I really liked and I just wish the photographs showed it better.

Happy Monday, All!


P.S. For you Walking Dead watchers, I think The Violet Reaction�s comment in my last post is absolutely correct.  Then again, I haven�t seen last night�s show yet�

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Call it Coral

Or tangerine.  Or just plain orange.  Whatever you call it, the color of this cardigan makes me happy:

And, as I�m still sick and work has gotten completely insane, I need all the happy I can get.  I also need all the inspiration I can get, which is why I basically copied this outfit from Angie over at Fashion Me Blog.  Because that�s just how I roll.

Based on Angie�s look, I layered a bright cardigan (Target) over a striped, long-sleeve tee (Gap) with skinny jeans (Gap Always Skinny), lace-up booties (Nine West via TJ Maxx) and a multi-colored scarf (Nordstrom).  Over all, I was a very happy copycat in this outfit.

And now for some rambling�

One.  Dear Writers, etc, of The Walking Dead: Really?  You guys are changing the rules now?  It�s not that I mind that you�re changing the rules; I just need you to be consistent about it.  Why Shane and Randall, but not Dale?  Hmmm?  I�m assuming you�re going to tie it all together in the season finale, but it you don�t, please know that I shall be very put out.

Two.  I�m going prom dress shopping for 80s prom this weekend with my friend Alex and I�m super excited!  I�m hoping to score something with a giant butt-bow.

Three.  Have a good weekend, everyone.  And if you�re going out for St. Patrick�s Day, be safe.

Finally, Happy Friday, All!


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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Violet, Mustard and Polka Dots

It�s still raining and I�m still wearing bright colors.  Today it�s violet and mustard.  Because those two colors totally go together.  See?:

I wore a violet skirt (thrifted) and a mustard cashmere sweater (thrifted).  And, because polka dots go with everything, I added some of those too with my blouse (Old Navy) and my umbrella (Target).  Okay, I actually added the polka dot blouse to tie in my black tights (Spanx) and wedge booties (Nine West �Peekaboo� via Piperlime), but they really do go with everything.

Also, did you all know that it�s finally Thursday?  Well, it is, and that means I�m linking up to the Thursday is for Thrifters Link Party over at Brass in Pocket. 

Happy Thursday, All!  Stay dry!


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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Neon and Olive

I�m feeling a little under the weather today and the actual weather is gray so I decided a little neon was in order:

I paired that bit of neon (Annabella via Ross) with an olive cardigan (Target), black skinnies (Gap Outlet) and riding boots (Born Crown �Sosie� via Nordstrom).  I have no idea why I decided to pair neon and olive except for the fact that I think maybe I have a head cold and so it seemed a good idea at the time.  And also because I love olive with orange and figured this tank has enough orange on it to work with the olive cardi. 

Also, sorry for the dark pictures today; it was pouring and we forgot our umbrellas so we had to shoot underneath an overhang.

Happy Thursday, All!


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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

One of These Things is not like the Others

Warning: This is a wordy post, but if you stick with me, I promise a Star Wars reference�  You in?  Fabulous.  Let the words commence.

So, I am usually pretty comfortable with my body.  I know I�ve anthropomorphized my thighs into militant rebels, but, in truth, they�re pretty great.  And I do have a bit of a tummy, but, like Bruce Willis� girlfriend in Pulp Fiction, I think a bit of a potbelly is kind of sexy.  I used to be, as a boy in third grade said to me, �like Main Street, no curves� but now I�m more like Mulholand and outside the occasional freak out, like when my HMO says I�m fat, I�m comfortable being curvier.  Usually.

There are times, however, when I�m not as comfortable.  Last Saturday night was one of those times.  I�m not proud of it, but it is sometimes hard for me to maintain my confidence in my shape when I know I�m going to be around women of a completely different shape.  On Saturday night, we went to a party, but before that we had a �girl�s night� at a bar with a bunch of my friend Jenny�s friends.  Jenny is my height, but a few sizes smaller than I am.  And all of her friends are about a foot shorter and really quite petite.

Knowing I was going to be the only person built like I am, I felt like I could do one of two things; I could try to fit in by wearing what I knew everyone else would be wearing, or I could be myself.  There is definitely, I think, some appeal to wearing something similar to the people you�re with; it can help you feel like you�re part of the group.  But, for me, that never quite works.  I always feel like an impostor.

So, instead of trying to fit in, I chose to exaggerate my differentness.  They say to play to your strengths and to highlight your favorite part of your body, right?  Well, my favorite thing about my body is its size.  I love the fact that I�m tall and broad-shouldered and highly visible.  I know that my size draws attention to me and I figured if I'm going to be seen, I'm going to be seen:

To that end, I went for champagne and cream when I knew most everybody else would be in black.  I went for a longer skirt when I knew most everyone else would be in hoo-ha grazing hemlines.  And I went for a higher neck when I knew most everyone else would have cleavage.  I wore a vintage, champagne-colored dress paired with a cream, vintage fur vest (thrifted).  I added my animal print booties (80%20), a studded belt (Michael Michael Kors via Nordstrom) and ton of jewelry:

The earrings are vintage (Lil� Gypsy Boutique) and the necklace is new (ModCloth).  The bangles and bracelets are a mix of vintage and new.

I also added a vintage (thrifted) gold clutch:

And I loved it.  I loved the fact that it wasn�t like anything anyone else was wearing and that even though it had next to no color, it was still me. Well, it was a little bit me, and a little bit Princess Leia, apparently.  True story, a guy at the party said I looked like Princess Leia.  I responded that I felt like Princess Leia, on Planet Hoth.  He said I was hot.  I laughed.  


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Gracey Wears Green

And so does everybody else, everywhere else.  Because, today is the Everybody, Everywear Green Challenge.

To be honest, I wasn�t terribly excited about this challenge.  I don�t wear a lot of green.  I think it�s a pretty color, but it just doesn�t do much for me.  But, I didn�t want to skip this month, especially since I skipped last month, so green it is:

This skirt (thrifted) is one of the few, non-olive-green pieces of clothing I own.  I paired it with a goldenrod bow blouse (Gap) because whereas some people won�t put yellow near their face, I prefer it to green near mine.  I added a navy blazer (vintage, thrifted), skinny belt (Gap), mustard tights and riding boots (Born Crown �Sosie� via Nordstrom).  And there you have it; Gracey wears green.

To see how other bloggers wore their green, pop by Everybody, Everywear and take a peek.

And have a Happy Tuesday, All!


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Friday, March 9, 2012

Shades of Black and Blue

I�m wearing at least three different shades of both black and blue in this outfit:

My ass is a total attention-whore in this skirt (and sort of in general).

As you can see, the sweater (Jones New York via Ross) is a different shade of black than the leggings (Target) which is a different shade of black than the boots (Chinese Laundry via Piperlime).  And the skirt (Target) has navy and turquoise stripes, but I went ahead and added a cobalt scarf anyway (H & M).  So, yeah, I�m wearing three different shades of each color.  But, I�m pretty sure that�s what makes it work. 

Seriously, if your blacks, or your blues, don�t match, embrace it.  Then everyone thinks it�s intentional and not a case of �I swear, it looked good in the dark.� 

Or you can wear rhinestone jewelry and then nobody pays attention to your outfit anyway:

I didn�t actually wear the rhinestones to detract from my outfit though.  I�m wearing them because I�m going to happy hour after work with my friend Jenny and Lori.  And because the sun is out today and I like the sparkle.

Happy Friday, Everyone!  Have a wonderful weekend!!


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Two Things

I have two things to tell you guys.

One, today is my nephew Dominic�s 8th Birthday.  Happy Birthday, Nonnie!

Two, my sister coached her team to a victory last night (because she is awesome) and they play their second game tonight.  Go Lady Warriors!!

That is all.*

Thanks for listening,


*For now, I�ll post my outfit post a bit later today.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I do not have any children.  I do, however, have several nieces and nephews.  Having a lot of nieces and nephews generally requires nothing more from me than knowing the difference between Autobots and Decepticons for the nephews and buying the cutest, girliest clothes I can find for the nieces.  Every once in a while though, I am asked to do more.  Today was such a day; today, I was an Auntie-on-the-Go and this is what I wore:

For this outfit, I gathered everything I know about children (next to nothing) and applied it to my clothes.  For example, I wore a bright coral tunic (Gap) because children like bright colors.  I paired the tunic with olive skinnies (also Gap) and added animal print mini-wedges because children also like animals.  A slapdash coat of coral polish on the toes, some bracelets and a watch, because children like to know what time it is, and I was ready.

Ready for what, you ask?  Well, today, I went to my nephew�s school to have lunch with him.  They had their Mother�s Day Lunch in March for reasons that escape me, and my sister couldn�t be there, because, in addition to being the best sister in the world, she is also the best basketball coach in the world.  A lot of people think that title belongs to John Wooden or Phil Jackson, but it doesn�t.  It belongs to my sister (or maybe Pat Summit � I�m a huge Pat Summit fan).  And because my sister is an awesome coach, she is in Iowa today, awesomely coaching her team in the NAIA National Tournament (Go Lady Warriors!). 

So, it was Auntie Gracey to the rescue.  And I had a great time with the nephew.  The food was the same as I remember and the children seemed to respond well to the bright coral.  Or they just like to talk.  Either way, it was good. 

Happy Thursday, Everyone!  And once again, Go Lady Warriors!


Oops.  I almost forgot.  Today is Thursday and Meagan, formerly of Spunky Chateau, and now of Brass In Pocket,is hosting her Thursday is for Thrifters Link Party.  I�m not wearing any thrifted items today outside of a bracelet, so I�m linking up yesterday�s outfit which was 75% thrifted.  And 100% awesome.  I�m just sayin�.

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Eclectic Jungle

Folks?  I think this might be one of my favorite outfits ever.  Ever:

I mean, sure, it�s a lot, but I think that�s part of what I like about it.  Well, that and the fact that it includes a lot of my favorite pieces.  Take the blouse, for example; it�s kitschy and it makes me ridiculously happy.  The skirt, in spite of it�s tricky length, is also one of my favorites.  And the blazer, which is new to my closet, was love at first sight.  It looks like polka dots in these photos, but they're actually diamonds:

And wearing these pieces all together?  I�m not sure it could get any better.  I especially like that I was able to winterize the blouse (vintage, thrifted) and this skirt (vintage, thrifted) with the addition of the blazer (vintage 80s Ann Taylor, thrifted).  I wore both the blouse and the skirt quite a few times last summer, but they�re very lightweight.  Adding the blazer and the tights (Spanx) definitely made them comfortable for winter.  And I added oxblood pumps (Naya �Jada� via Nordstrom), just because.

I also added my vintage lion earrings even though we all know lions don�t live in the jungle (they live in the Serengeti):

And some bangles:

Oh, and my owl belt snuck in there too, but I forgot to get a picture.

All in all, I�m not sure that this should work and I�m not even sure it did work, but I know I love it.

Happy Wednesday, All!


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