Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hot Pink Camp & A Mocha Midi

I don't know that I would have thought to pair this hot pink camp shirt with this mocha midi skirt if they hadn't been on the same migratory path through my closet.  But, they were and I liked the way they looked grazing on the plains together so here they are:

Blouse, skirt & belt: thrifted vintage, Hive & Honey flats via Piperlime

I also added black accessories, including my vintage sweater clip pins:

One day I'll probably wear this piece to hold a sweater together.  Probably.

Happy Thursday, Everyone!


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Its all about Kiki's Fashion

Peroni Natural Italian taste

Thank you Peroni

Late post:Doreen's bachelorette

It was nice hanging out with you beautiful ladies..much love

Nancy Sumari in Kiki's Fashion African prints

 Luca & Nancy
Nancy and her daughter Zuri
Zuri in Kiki's Fashion jumpsuit
Thank you for your support Nancy,you have been a good customer to us,God bless you mama Zuri.

Literary Stylings Link Party

Sometimes all of the moons align and you're able to heal the Dark Crystal and save the poor Podlings from being sucked dry by the Skeksis.  Or, as happened in my case, the moons align and you come up with an idea for your first ever link party; to create an outfit based on a book you're currently reading or recently read.

I'm calling it Literary Stylings and it was influenced by Style Imitating Art (shout out to Jess and Salazar) and this post on Go Fug Yourself in which the Fug Girls hoped the dress is question was inspired by a book (Hunger Games, in fact).

I figured why not wear clothes that are inspired by literature?  I mean, surely that could be kind of fun, right?  Well, if you agree, here's the fine print:
  1. The Literary Stylings Link Party will go up on the first Tuesday of every month.  If you join in, don't forget to link your post back to Fashion for Giants.
  2. I was going to suggest a book for people to read but I don't want to foist my strange literary leanings onto folks, so pick any book you choose.
  3. If you're not a blogger and you still want to participate, you can post your photos on the Fashion for Giants FB page.
  4. The inspired look does not have to be a costume, but it certainly can be.  Any level of inspiration in creating your outfit is appreciated.
  5. Have fun!

I know this is super late notice (the moons align when they align; you can't do anything about that), but if you're currently reading a book that you'd like to base an outfit on, I'll have the link up on Tuesday, July 2nd. 

I just finished Auntie Mame and was, of course, inspired by Mame's utter fabulousness, so I'm very excited to put together a look based on Patrick Dennis' book:

I hope you all can join me!


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Maxi dress designed by Kiki

Doreen & Mike's Big day

 Beautiful bride

Mr.Mike Mziray"Groom man"

She looked amazing in her Vera Wang gown

 You guys rock!And now that you are married,keep rocking!Congratulations on your big day.
 Mr&Mrs Mike Mziray


You may now kiss the bride..:)



Beautiful people

Seko was there to show some love.

Bridesmaids showing off thier shoes

Group picture with friends and family.Congrats guys!

Thank you for the pictures Shamim

Embrace the Gray

Oregon, being Oregon, only has summery weather approximately every fourth or fifth day.  Saturday was gorgeous, Sunday it rained like hell, yesterday was overcast and today is more of the same.  With some more rain thrown in because Oregon is ridiculous.  I don't have the strength to fight it, so I've decided to embrace the gray:

Literally.  I hugged each and every one of these pieces before I put them on.  The pieces being a gray sweater skirt (Macy's) with a gray sweater (JC Penney) and dark gray boots (Gap).  Yep, just gray on gray on gray.  But, I think the print on the skirt keeps it from being too dull.

Also, this sweater looks like a crop top on me.  It think it's a combination of my giant size and the fact that I shrunk it in the wash:

Thank goodness this skirt can be hiked up to make up for the possibly disastrous lack of sweater.

Happy Tuesday, All!


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Monday, June 24, 2013

The Devolution of Style

So, June has been a rough month for me.  Work has been atrocious; I'm not sleeping well, I'm not blogging well and I haven't visited other blogs in ages.  Also, I've started dressing like this:

I know, I know, it's boring.  There is no raucous color, no vintage pieces and I practically match.  But, it's also easy and I really need easy right now.  Easy like jeans (Wit and Wisdom via Nordstrom) and a tee (Gap) with flats (Nine West via Piperlime) and a cardigan (Ann Taylor, thrifted).  Besides, this outfit isn't just easy, it makes me feel physically capable.  And I realized that when I feel more physically capable, I feel more mentally capable.

In this outfit I felt like I could not only run from zombies (although not the World War Z zombies; apparently their zombies are fast as hell.  Which, boo.) but I that could deliver a roundhouse kick straight to a spreadsheet's dome. 

I may not be battling zombies (yet; we all know it's coming) but I am battling some serious spreadsheets and dressing like this makes me feel like I have a better chance at winning.

Don't worry, I haven't completely given up.  I did add a lovely Megan Mae button flower because it looks great with leopard and doesn't detract from zombie/spreadsheet fighting:

And, in my mind, that's the mark of a truly great accessory; if you can still fight the undead while wearing it, it's a keeper.

Happy Monday, All!


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